Sunday, March 14, 2021
Fried cauliflower Fried cauliflower on a plate Licensing at https://ift.tt/3crkbSU Prints at https://ift.tt/3crLFaV All rights reserved. Saurav Pandey © 2021 Saurav Pandey, https://ift.tt/2L7ytfX fried,no people,cauliflower,food and drink,lunch,organic,plate,still life,ready-to-eat,indian food,tradition,vegetarian food,vegetarianism,white color,crockery,color image,horizontal,canada,food,dinner,snack,healthy eating,meal,cooked,gourmet,vegetable,spice,crunchy,appetizer,crucifers,roasted,freshness,savory food,ingredient #Fried #Cauliflower #FoodAndDrink #Lunch #Organic #Plate #Ready-To-Eat #IndianFood #VegetarianFood #Vegetarianism #WhiteColor #Crockery #Food #Dinner #Snack #HealthyEating #Meal #Cooked #Gourmet #Vegetable #Spice #Crunchy #Appetizer #Crucifers #Roasted #Freshness #SavoryFood #Ingredient #SauravPhoto #GettyImagesContributor
Wasp on a flower Wasp on white flowers Licensing at https://ift.tt/3eBAgrC Prints at https://ift.tt/3rJCdWI All rights reserved. Saurav Pandey © 2020 Saurav Pandey, https://ift.tt/2L7ytfX Hymenoptera, Ontario, canada, closeup, daylight, daytime, flower, flower head, flying insect, garden, hamilton, in the wild, insect, macro, macro nature, natural, nature, one animal, one object, outdoor, outdoors, outside, sauravphoto, solitary, summer, urquhart, wasp, white flowers #Hymenoptera #Ontario #Canada #Closeup #Daylight #Daytime #Flower #FlowerHead #FlyingInsect #Garden #Hamilton #InTheWild #Insect #Macro #MacroNature #Natural #Nature #OneAnimal #OneObject #Outdoor #Outdoors #Outside #Sauravphoto #Solitary #Summer #Urquhart #Wasp #WhiteFlowers #GettyImagesContributor
Saturday, March 13, 2021
Winter follows Fall A maple leaf from last Fall (Autumn) on a bank of snow during Winter Licensing at https://ift.tt/2Nc7ouO Prints at https://ift.tt/3cpXTkm All rights reserved. Saurav Pandey © 2021 Saurav Pandey, https://ift.tt/2L7ytfX no people,autumn,day,leaf,snow,winter,yellow,autumn leaf color,cold temperature,frost,maple leaf,plant stem,white color,orange color,leaf vein,color image,horizontal,canada,nature,happiness #NoPeople #Autumn #Day #Leaf #Snow #Winter #Yellow #AutumnLeafColor #ColdTemperature #Frost #MapleLeaf #PlantStem #WhiteColor #OrangeColor #LeafVein #ColorImage #Horizontal #Canada #Nature #Happiness #SauravPhoto #GettyImagesContributor
Thursday, March 11, 2021
Face mask A face mask sitting on a desk Licensing at https://ift.tt/3l415pC Prints at https://ift.tt/2N5tcYZ All rights reserved. Saurav Pandey © 2021 Saurav Pandey, https://ift.tt/2L7ytfX no people, black background, clothing, still life, fashion, personal accessory, textile, facial mask - beauty product, protective face mask, single object, color image, square - composition, canada, healthcare and medicine, protection, infectious disease, virus, epidemic, illness, safety, covid-19, concepts #NoPeople #BlackBackground #Clothing #StillLife #Fashion #PersonalAccessory #Textile #FacialMask-BeautyProduct #ProtectiveFaceMask #SingleObject #ColorImage #Square-Composition #Canada #HealthcareAndMedicine #Protection #InfectiousDisease #Virus #Epidemic #Illness #Safety #Covid-19 #Concepts #SauravPhoto #GettyImagesContributor
Wednesday, March 10, 2021
Moss sporophytes Macro photograph of moss sporophytes in the wild Licensing at https://ift.tt/30ppfkW Prints at https://ift.tt/30ptqxa All rights reserved. Saurav Pandey © 2021 Saurav Pandey, https://ift.tt/2L7ytfX no people,close-up,day,growth,moss,outdoors,red,small,green color,macrophotography,nature,natural phenomenon,natural condition,beauty in nature,selective focus,uncultivated,wilderness area,wilderness,color image,horizontal,canada,plant,forest,sporophyte,botany,spore,environment #NoPeople #Close-Up #Day #Growth #Moss #Outdoors #Red #Small #GreenColor #Macrophotography #Nature #NaturalPhenomenon #NaturalCondition #BeautyInNature #SelectiveFocus #Uncultivated #WildernessArea #Wilderness #ColorImage #Horizontal #Canada #Plant #Forest #Sporophyte #Botany #Spore #Environment #SauravPhoto #GettyImagesContributor
Tuesday, March 9, 2021
Snow build-up Snow accumulates at the door, and stays packed in place after the door is opened Licensing at https://ift.tt/3bsEcJu Prints at https://ift.tt/3v3brL4 All rights reserved. Saurav Pandey © 2021 Saurav Pandey, https://ift.tt/2L7ytfX no people,door,empty,heap,house,messy,nature,outdoors,plant,shed,sky,snow,stack,winter,cold temperature,frost,doorway,doorstep,blank,copy space,light - natural phenomenon,light effect,natural phenomenon,natural condition,natural pattern,open,white color,wood - material,color image,horizontal,canada,season,ice,domestic life,climate,domestic room #Door #Heap #House #Messy #Nature #Outdoors #Sky #Snow #Stack #Winter #ColdTemperature #Frost #Doorway #Doorstep #NaturalPhenomenon #NaturalCondition #NaturalPattern #Open #WhiteColor #Wood-Material #Season #Ice #DomesticLife #Climate #DomesticRoom #SauravPhoto #GettyImagesContributor
Sunday, March 7, 2021
Chopped radish carrots and cucumber Closeup of finely chopped radish, carrots and cucumber Licensing at https://ift.tt/38fNare Prints at https://ift.tt/30hzNCK All rights reserved. Saurav Pandey © 2021 Saurav Pandey, https://ift.tt/2L7ytfX no people, carrot, cucumber, food, food and drink, indoors, organic, radish, red, root vegetable, still life, chopped food, close-up, food state, preparing food, green color, macrophotography, orange color, textured, vegan food, vegetarian food, white color, color image, horizontal, canada, vegetable, freshness, healthy eating, crucifers, salad, slice of food, healthy lifestyle, raw food, gourmet, appetizer, ingredient #Carrot #Cucumber #Food #Organic #Radish #Red #RootVegetable #ChoppedFood #Close-Up #FoodState #PreparingFood #GreenColor #OrangeColor #Textured #VeganFood #VegetarianFood #WhiteColor #Vegetable #Freshness #HealthyEating #Crucifers #Salad #SliceOfFood #HealthyLifestyle #RawFood #Gourmet #Appetizer #Ingredient #SauravPhoto #GettyImagesContributor
Grasshopper A grasshopper with a single antenna munching on the underside of a flower Licensing at https://ift.tt/3uYiZi5 Prints at https://ift.tt/3boPkGY All rights reserved. Saurav Pandey © 2020 Saurav Pandey, https://ift.tt/2L7ytfX Caelifera, Ontario, animal, antenna, canada, close-up, detail, dundas, dundas valley, flower, flower head, grasshopper, hamilton, in the wild, insect, locust, mouth parts, natural, nature, outdoor, outdoors, outside, pest, sauravphoto, wildlife #Caelifera #Ontario #Animal #Antenna #Canada #Close-Up #Detail #Dundas #DundasValley #Flower #FlowerHead #Grasshopper #Hamilton #InTheWild #Insect #Locust #MouthParts #Natural #Nature #Outdoor #Outdoors #Outside #Pest #Sauravphoto #Wildlife #GettyImagesContributor
Saturday, March 6, 2021
Chandelier A simple modern lighting fixture with three lights hanging from the ceiling Licensing at https://ift.tt/3c2Zsod Prints at https://ift.tt/3kPI0r7 All rights reserved. Saurav Pandey © 2021 Saurav Pandey, https://ift.tt/2L7ytfX no people, bright, chandelier, design, electricity, glowing, indoors, light bulb, metal, modern, shade, three objects, brightly lit, in the center, home decor, design element, electrical equipment, electric light, electric lamp, household fixture, geometric shape, glass - material, residential building, household equipment, home interior, illuminated, lamp shade, lighting equipment, light fixture, metallic, still life, wall - building feature, surrounding wall, color image, horizontal, canada, luxury, decoration, elegance, art, fashionable, shiny, hanging, domestic room #Bright #Chandelier #Design #Glowing #Indoors #LightBulb #Metal #Modern #Shade #ThreeObjects #BrightlyLit #InTheCenter #HomeDecor #DesignElement #ElectricLight #ElectricLamp #HouseholdFixture #GeometricShape #Glass-Material #HomeInterior #Illuminated #LampShade #LightingEquipment #LightFixture #Metallic #StillLife #Hanging #DomesticRoom #SauravPhoto #GettyImagesContributor
Friday, March 5, 2021
Chopped Green Beans A close-up detail of chopped pieces of green beans Licensing at https://ift.tt/3rh3Sy0 Prints at https://ift.tt/2MMSCKN All rights reserved. Saurav Pandey © 2021 Saurav Pandey, https://ift.tt/2L7ytfX no people, candid, food, green bean, indoors, ingredient, vegetable, bean, chopped food, close-up, cutting, freshness, green color, healthy eating, macrophotography, raw food, slice of food, still life, vegan food, vegetarian food, food state, preparing food, color image, horizontal, canada, healthy lifestyle, organic, food and drink, heap, cooking #Candid #Food #GreenBean #Indoors #Ingredient #Vegetable #Bean #ChoppedFood #Close-Up #Cutting #Freshness #GreenColor #HealthyEating #Macrophotography #RawFood #SliceOfFood #StillLife #VeganFood #VegetarianFood #FoodState #PreparingFood #HealthyLifestyle #Organic #FoodAndDrink #Heap #Cooking #SauravPhoto #GettyImagesContributor
Thursday, March 4, 2021
Storms Wind swept waves come crashing towards the shore of Lake Ontario. Licensing at https://ift.tt/387VVUg Prints at https://ift.tt/3q8raVu All rights reserved. Saurav Pandey © 2021 Saurav Pandey, https://ift.tt/2L7ytfX no people, ice, lake, outdoors, rough, sky, snow, water, weather, winter, cloud - sky, cloudscape, overcast, cold temperature, frost, water's edge, waterfront, rock - object, storm, dramatic sky, storm cloud, wave - water, wave pattern, surf, horizon over water, color image, horizontal, canada, nature, landscape - scenery, environment, scenics - nature, sea, seascape, beauty, extreme weather, beauty in nature, wind #Ice #Lake #Outdoors #Rough #Sky #Snow #Water #Weather #Winter #Cloudscape #Overcast #Waterfront #Storm #DramaticSky #StormCloud #Surf #HorizonOverWater #Nature #Landscape-Scenery #Environment #Sea #Seascape #Beauty #ExtremeWeather #BeautyInNature #Wind #SauravPhoto #GettyImagesContributor
Wednesday, March 3, 2021
Reaching to the skies A pair of branches on a dry tree point upwards to the cold winter sky Licensing at https://ift.tt/3q9He9x Prints at https://ift.tt/302VeqY All rights reserved. Saurav Pandey © 2021 Saurav Pandey, https://ift.tt/2L7ytfX no people, dry, outdoors, sky, tree, winter, black and white, branch - plant part, tree trunk, plant bark, treetop, horizontal, canada, nature, low angle view, reaching, bare tree, in silhouette, growth, beauty in nature #NoPeople #Dry #Outdoors #Sky #Tree #Winter #BlackAndWhite #Branch-PlantPart #TreeTrunk #PlantBark #Treetop #Horizontal #Canada #Nature #LowAngleView #Reaching #BareTree #InSilhouette #Growth #BeautyInNature #SauravPhoto #GettyImagesContributor
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