Thursday, August 20, 2020
Mugger crocodiles A couple of mugger crocodiles basking in the sun on a rock on the river Kaveri. One of the crocodiles has jaws wide open giving a direct view inside the mouth of the crocodile. Mugger crocodiles, also know as marsh crocodile, broad-snouted crocodile, and mugger, are listed as 'Vulnerable' on the IUCN Red list Prints available at https://ift.tt/3iZpsCy Licensing at https://ift.tt/3l1a4aP All rights reserved. Saurav Pandey © 2017 Saurav Pandey, https://ift.tt/2L7ytfX animal, basking, broad-snouted crocodile, crocodile, crocodylus, crocodylus palustris, india, jaws, karnataka, kaveri, mandya, marsh crocodile, mugger, mugger crocodile, natural, nature, open mouth, outdoor, ranganthittu, ranganthittu bird sanctuary, river, rocks, sauravphoto, teeth, two, vulnerable, water, wild, wildlife #Animal #Basking #Broad-SnoutedCrocodile #Crocodile #Crocodylus #CrocodylusPalustris #India #Jaws #Karnataka #Kaveri #Mandya #MarshCrocodile #Mugger #MuggerCrocodile #Natural #Nature #OpenMouth #Outdoor #Ranganthittu #RanganthittuBirdSanctuary #River #Rocks #Sauravphoto #Teeth #Two #Vulnerable #Water #Wild #Wildlife
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
Black-headed ibis A black-headed ibis, also known as Oriental white ibis, Indian white ibis, and black-necked ibis, flies over a bamboo tree, wings wide spread, legs streamlined to the flight. This was taken at Ranganthittu Bird Santuary Prints available at https://ift.tt/32aL3Bc Licensing at https://ift.tt/2EkYXbD All rights reserved. Saurav Pandey © 2017 Saurav Pandey, https://ift.tt/2L7ytfX aves, bamboo, bird, black-headed ibis, black-necked ibis, flight, flying, ibis, india, indian white ibis, karnataka, mandya, natural, nature, one, one bird, oriental white ibis, outdoor, pakshi kashi, ranganthittu, ranganthittu bird sanctuary, sauravphoto, single, sky, threskiomithidae, threskiornis, threskiornis melanocephallus, tree, waterbird, wild, wildlife, wings open #Aves #Bamboo #Bird #Black-HeadedIbis #Black-NeckedIbis #Flight #Flying #Ibis #India #IndianWhiteIbis #Karnataka #Mandya #Natural #Nature #OneBird #OrientalWhiteIbis #Outdoor #Ranganthittu #RanganthittuBirdSanctuary #Sauravphoto #Single #Sky #Threskiomithidae #Threskiornis #ThreskiornisMelanocephallus #Tree #Waterbird #Wild #Wildlife #WingsOpen
Tuesday, August 18, 2020
Profiles in rock Water streaming between rocks. The granite rocks appear to create human and other profiles. How many do you see? Prints available at https://ift.tt/34aqkQB Licensing at https://ift.tt/2E8LJih All rights reserved. Saurav Pandey © 2017 Saurav Pandey, https://ift.tt/2L7ytfX pattern, cascade, day, daytime, environment, flow, flowing, formation, formations, geology, granite, landscape, mountain, natural, nature, outcrop, outdoor, outdoors, overhang, rapid, rock, rough, sauravphoto, scenic, stone, stones, stream, surface, texture, trees, view, water, waterfall, wet, wilderness #Pattern #Cascade #Environment #Flow #Flowing #Formation #Formations #Geology #Granite #Landscape #Mountain #Natural #Nature #Outcrop #Outdoor #Outdoors #Overhang #Rapid #Rock #Rough #Sauravphoto #Scenic #Stone #Stones #Stream #Surface #Texture #Trees #Water #Waterfall
Monday, August 17, 2020
On the fence Wondering if it is time to get off the fence. Squirrel sitting on a fence, view from behind. Prints available at https://ift.tt/3h7goLr Licensing at https://ift.tt/2YbiySR All rights reserved. Saurav Pandey © 2020 Saurav Pandey, https://ift.tt/2L7ytfX no people, adorable, animal, brown, critter, cute, evening, fauna, fence, fluffy, furry, grey squirrel, large eyes, looking, mammal, natural, nature, outdoor, outdoors, outside, perched, rodent, sauravphoto, sitting, squirrel, urban, wildlife, wood, wooden #NoPeople #Adorable #Animal #Brown #Critter #Cute #Evening #Fauna #Fence #Fluffy #Furry #GreySquirrel #LargeEyes #Looking #Mammal #Natural #Nature #Outdoor #Outdoors #Outside #Perched #Rodent #Sauravphoto #Sitting #Squirrel #Urban #Wildlife #Wood #Wooden
Sunday, August 16, 2020
Wild Daisy Ox-eyed daisy flower - top view, backlit Prints available at https://ift.tt/3g5y5cW Licensing at https://ift.tt/345aXcr All rights reserved. Saurav Pandey © 2020 Saurav Pandey, https://ift.tt/2L7ytfX asteraceae, backlight, backlit, bloom, blossom, centered, close-up, closeup, daisy, dog daisy, flora, florets, flower, flower head, leucanthemum, leucanthemum vulgare, natural, nature, ox-eye daisy, oxeye daisy, petals, spiral, spring, summer, weed, white, wildflower, yellow #Asteraceae #Backlight #Backlit #Bloom #Blossom #Centered #Close-Up #Closeup #Daisy #DogDaisy #Flora #Florets #Flower #FlowerHead #Leucanthemum #LeucanthemumVulgare #Natural #Nature #Ox-EyeDaisy #OxeyeDaisy #Petals #Spiral #Spring #Summer #Weed #White #Wildflower #Yellow #SauravPhoto
Friday, August 14, 2020
Wild Daisy
Ox-eyed daisy flower - side view
Prints available at https://ift.tt/31QLVLp
Licensing at https://ift.tt/31SZAl6
All rights reserved. Saurav Pandey
© 2020 Saurav Pandey, https://ift.tt/2L7ytfX
asteraceae, bloom, blossom, close-up, closeup, daisy, dog daisy, flora, florets, flower, flower head, leucanthemum, leucanthemum vulgare, natural, nature, ox-eye daisy, oxeye daisy, petals, sideview, spiral, spring, summer, weed, white, wildflower, yellow
#Asteraceae #Bloom #Blossom #Close-Up #Closeup #Daisy #DogDaisy #Flora #Florets #Flower #FlowerHead #Leucanthemum #LeucanthemumVulgare #Natural #Nature #Ox-EyeDaisy #OxeyeDaisy #Petals #Sideview #Spiral #Spring #Summer #Weed #White #Wildflower #Yellow #SauravPhoto
Thursday, August 13, 2020
Wild Daisy
Ox-eyed daisy flower - side view
Prints available at https://ift.tt/2XXIvoU
Licensing at https://ift.tt/2XX2zaK
All rights reserved. Saurav Pandey
© 2020 Saurav Pandey, https://ift.tt/2L7ytfX
asteraceae, bloom, blossom, close-up, closeup, daisy, dog daisy, flora, florets, flower, flower head, leucanthemum, leucanthemum vulgare, natural, nature, ox-eye daisy, oxeye daisy, petals, sideview, spiral, spring, summer, weed, white, wildflower, yellow
#Asteraceae #Bloom #Blossom #Close-Up #Closeup #Daisy #DogDaisy #Flora #Florets #Flower #FlowerHead #Leucanthemum #LeucanthemumVulgare #Natural #Nature #Ox-EyeDaisy #OxeyeDaisy #Petals #Sideview #Spiral #Spring #Summer #Weed #White #Wildflower #Yellow #SauravPhoto
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Wild Daisy
Ox-eyed daisy flower - side view
Prints available at https://ift.tt/33QpQiK
Licensing at https://ift.tt/3acQkvU
All rights reserved. Saurav Pandey
© 2020 Saurav Pandey, https://ift.tt/2L7ytfX
asteraceae, bloom, blossom, close-up, closeup, daisy, dog daisy, flora, florets, flower, flower head, leucanthemum, leucanthemum vulgare, natural, nature, ox-eye daisy, oxeye daisy, petals, sideview, spiral, spring, summer, weed, white, wildflower, yellow
#Asteraceae #Bloom #Blossom #Close-Up #Closeup #Daisy #DogDaisy #Flora #Florets #Flower #FlowerHead #Leucanthemum #LeucanthemumVulgare #Natural #Nature #Ox-EyeDaisy #OxeyeDaisy #Petals #Sideview #Spiral #Spring #Summer #Weed #White #Wildflower #Yellow #SauravPhoto
Monday, August 10, 2020
Dead fly
Side view of a dead fly on a wire
Prints available at https://ift.tt/3iozCwk
Licensing at https://ift.tt/3gKSrcN
All rights reserved. Saurav Pandey
© 2020 Saurav Pandey, https://ift.tt/2L7ytfX
cyclorrhapha, musca domestica, animal, arthropoda, bug, closeup, creepy, dead, death, detail, diptera, fly, housefly, insect, insecta, invertebrate, macro, musca, muscidae, natural, pest, resting, sauravphoto, small, wildlife
#Cyclorrhapha #MuscaDomestica #Animal #Arthropoda #Bug #Closeup #Creepy #Dead #Death #Detail #Diptera #Fly #Housefly #Insect #Insecta #Invertebrate #Macro #Musca #Muscidae #Natural #Pest #Resting #Sauravphoto #Small #Wildlife
Sunday, August 9, 2020
Dead fly
Profile close-up view of a dead fly on a stick
Prints available at https://ift.tt/3a7tSnV
Licensing at https://ift.tt/30GX1Dp
All rights reserved. Saurav Pandey
© 2020 Saurav Pandey, https://ift.tt/2L7ytfX
cyclorrhapha, musca domestica, animal, arthropoda, bug, closeup, creepy, dead, death, detail, diptera, fly, housefly, insect, insecta, invertebrate, macro, musca, muscidae, natural, pest, resting, sauravphoto, small, wildlife
#Cyclorrhapha #MuscaDomestica #Animal #Arthropoda #Bug #Closeup #Creepy #Dead #Death #Detail #Diptera #Fly #Housefly #Insect #Insecta #Invertebrate #Macro #Musca #Muscidae #Natural #Pest #Resting #Sauravphoto #Small #Wildlife
Saturday, August 8, 2020
Dead fly
Head on view of a dead housefly
Prints available at https://ift.tt/2PBxBAx
Licensing at https://ift.tt/31szaGy
All rights reserved. Saurav Pandey
© 2020 Saurav Pandey, https://ift.tt/2L7ytfX
cyclorrhapha, musca domestica, animal, arthropoda, bug, closeup, creepy, dead, death, detail, diptera, fly, housefly, insect, insecta, invertebrate, macro, musca, muscidae, natural, pest, resting, sauravphoto, small, wildlife
#Cyclorrhapha #MuscaDomestica #Animal #Arthropoda #Bug #Closeup #Creepy #Dead #Death #Detail #Diptera #Fly #Housefly #Insect #Insecta #Invertebrate #Macro #Musca #Muscidae #Natural #Pest #Resting #Sauravphoto #Small #Wildlife
Friday, August 7, 2020
Steam iron
Steam blowing off an iron
Prints available at https://ift.tt/2XFeV7p
Licensing at https://ift.tt/3iown8l
All rights reserved. Saurav Pandey
© 2020 Saurav Pandey, https://ift.tt/2L7ytfX
appliance, domestic, electric, electrical, equipment, flat, flat-iron, heat, hot, household, housekeeping, iron, ironing, laundry, metal, nobody, press, sauravphoto, steam, steamer, steaming, tool, vapor, vertical, warm, water
#Appliance #Domestic #Electric #Electrical #Equipment #Flat #Flat-Iron #Heat #Hot #Household #Housekeeping #Iron #Ironing #Laundry #Metal #Nobody #Press #Sauravphoto #Steam #Steamer #Steaming #Tool #Vapor #Vertical #Warm #Water
Thursday, August 6, 2020
Squirrel with a nut

Wednesday, August 5, 2020
Squirrel with a nut

Tuesday, August 4, 2020
American robin

Monday, August 3, 2020
American robin

Sunday, August 2, 2020
Flower flanked by two buds
Purple flower with a yellow center with two buds on either side
Prints available at https://ift.tt/3k4kHJq
Licensing at https://ift.tt/2DbwSn5
All rights reserved. Saurav Pandey
© 2017 Saurav Pandey, https://ift.tt/2L7ytfX
bangalore, bannerghatta, bloom, bright, buds, flower, india, karnataka, natural, nature, pink, sauravphoto, wildflower
#Bangalore #Bannerghatta #Bloom #Bright #Buds #Flower #India #Karnataka #Natural #Nature #Pink #Sauravphoto #Wildflower

Saturday, August 1, 2020
Butterfly on a leaf
Side view of butterfly on a leaf with wings folder up
Prints available at https://ift.tt/3jVkDvz
Licensing at https://ift.tt/2D8uu0o
All rights reserved. Saurav Pandey
© 2017 Saurav Pandey, https://ift.tt/2L7ytfX
lepidoptera, bangalore, bannerghatta, butterfly, india, insect, karnataka, leaf, natural, nature, sauravphoto, sitting, wildlife
#Lepidoptera #Bangalore #Bannerghatta #Butterfly #India #Insect #Karnataka #Leaf #Natural #Nature #Sauravphoto #Sitting #Wildlife